Revolutionize Biogas Cleanup: FerroSorp® – The Premier H2S Absorbent for Cost-Effective Gas Treatment and the VAV Bulk Media Vessel
The most convenient and flexible H2S scavenger system in the industry
- Customizable H2S scrubbing solutions
- Applications: landfill gas, livestock/dairy sites, and food waste digesters
- FerroSorp employs iron hydroxide to attract H2S effectively
- Iron hydroxide-based media has 25% more oxygen per iron atom than traditional iron oxide media
- FerroSorp outperforms competitors
- Reduces change-out intervals and operational costs
- Pairing FerroSorp with the VAV bulk media vessel enhances cost-effective H2S removal
- VAVs are easy to deploy, quickly dispatched, and require no infrastructure
- VAVs seamlessly integrate into new or existing sites